
In collaboration with Handisport Foundation, Son Antem can offer you two ParaGolfers to hire. The ParaGolfer is an all-terrain wheelchair that raises the user into a standing position, allowing a more conventional golf swing.
If you are going to need a ParaGolfer, please request it prior to your arrival by contacting us at mallorca.golfclub@vacationclub.com or +34 971 129 200.

Home Of The First International Wheelchair Golf Open Championships
In November 2018, Son Antem Golf held the first edition of the IWGOC. Forty players in wheelchairs from 22 different countries gathered together to play a highly competitive tournament.
Plan Your Wheelchair Golf Holiday Today
Now is your chance to play these championship-level courses. With two handicapped accessible golf courses to choose from, your next round is sure to be an ace.

Home Of The First International Wheelchair Golf Open Championships
In November 2018, Son Antem Golf held the first edition of the IWGOC. Forty players in wheelchairs from 22 different countries gathered together to play a highly competitive tournament.
Plan Your Wheelchair Golf Holiday Today
Now is your chance to play these championship-level courses. With two handicapped accessible golf courses to choose from, your next round is sure to be an ace.